Motor Current Signature Analysis
Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) deals with measuring of input quantities to the motor like 3-phase currents and voltages by using CT and PT clamps. Issues in the operation of the motor will affect / modifies the harmonic content of the current supply to motor.
Following are information provided
- 3 phase voltage levels,
- Voltage unbalance,
- Harmonic distortion,
- Rotor cage condition,
- Motor efficiency,
- Effective service factor,
- Over-current,
- Power factor correction,
- Torque information, and
- Load on the motor.
Through the thorough analysis, can identify the following problems.
- Improper tap settings of the power supply,
- Poorly-distributed single-phase loads,
- An excessive number of VFDs without proper filtration,
- Excessive non-harmonic frequencies on a given VFD,
- Improper filters,
- Wrong star-Delta timing transitions,
- Cavitation in pumps,
- Overload on motors,
- Missing or open power factor correction capacitors
- High resistance connections.